English, asked by naliniseralathan, 1 year ago

I was walking through a forest _ evening and darkness _flash of lightening _ a gathering storm _far from home _ a shadow of a house ahead _ a broken house _creaking doors and windows _ no one inside _ tiptoed in to a bed room _a rocking chair stared to rock slowly _ l gave out a scream _ to large but very scared rats _scurried away _smiled to myself _sat down in the dusty chair till the storm ended


Answered by guptarohit2803

Answer:It was dark night in the middle of the June. It was terribly Hot. There was no electricity  i.e, there was a power cut. After the day's work, I was on my way home. I was completely tired as i had been working extra hours than daily hours . I seemed quite exhausted. It was lightning and the atmosphere turned cloudy. It was about to rain so I increased my speed of walking and rush home as fast as possible.

While i was on my way back home on the road, i heard a loud sound. I was shocked and scared  but later realised that it was just the sound of thunder. Feeling quite embarassed I continued on my way. Then, suddenly I found a small piece of paper which was partially covered with blood stains. I noticed that there was something wrong. I immediately rushed home and tried to have a look at the paper to know what actually it is.

Then i found an address on that paper which is completely visible. Due to god's gace only the address part is not stained . Then I immediately reached the place written in the paper. There, i found a haunted house whoch looked quite scary and old. It seemed like as if it had been closed simce past few years. 

Then inmediately I peeped into the house through the window. I found that it was a hiding place for some of the most wanted theives. I also noticed an innocent girl who has been kidnapped there. She was wounded very badly. Then i decided to help her at any cost.

Immediately I contacted the police station and few police men arrived. They carefully surrounded the house and later they took control fo the theives. They thanked me a lot for helping them to fidn them. The little innocent girl was also very thankful. I was very happy at that moment as I was able to help a poor , little , innoccent girl.


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