History, asked by Darvinvijay, 9 months ago

i willl mark as brainliest How does archaeological sources help in the study of history??


Answered by jigyasa0310

Archaeology gives us the approximate dates of human activity through time in a given area. Archaeology is tied into the local geological strata.

Of course if archaeologists encounter datable materials in a datable context they can also get an absolute C14 date to add to the interpretation of the site.

Archaeology also tells us the kinds of human activities that took place within each time frame.

As for subsistence activities, we sometimes find the bones of animals that were eaten or used for other purposes in an archaeological site. Also during the excavation we keep a stratigraphic column in one corner of each excavation unit. From this column we can collect pollen samples that identify plants that are correlated with that time and place. Some of these plants are known to be food or medicine sources. In some cases we find plants that would have provided fiber for making baskets or coarsely woven fabrics.

As for technology, archaeologists love to study and interpret the manufacture and use of stone tools. The tools tell us the range of activities engaged in at that site.

Resources - The materials persistently found in a site suggest that those materials were common resources. We make an effort to find out where they came from or if they were local. Commonly in the Southeast - we find materials that came from some distance. So we can interpret that people from the local area made regular trips to collect supplies. In the Tennessee Valley Area we find greenstone from further South in east Alabama. And of course we know they made regular trips to Northern Michigan to acquire copper which they use in their burial sites.

And of course, all of this information is common for each archaeological site, so intersite comparisons provide even more information for an area.

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Answered by Pranavpadmakumar1225


The archaeological and literary sources of information help historians trace history. Archaeological sources include monuments, temples, inscriptions, coins and weapons. Literary sources include manuscripts, folk tales, poems and biographies of different rulers. A manuscript is any document that is written by hand.


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