Sociology, asked by tinayorbe, 4 months ago

Identification. Identify what disorder is being referred to in the statement.

Gerald’s parents are concerned because they noticed that Gerald could not focus on the task at hand, and he would bang his hand repeatedly and refuse to talk. Sometimes he would be aggressive and throw things at them. ________________


Answered by MysticalRainbow

Selective mutism (SM) is an anxiety disorder that affects children in school, where they find themselves unable to speak, though they speak comfortably at home. In this guide we explain what selective mutism looks like in the classroom, and advise teachers on how to approach parents if you are concerned a student might have the disorder. We also offer tips for encouraging kids with SM to participate and verbalize, strategies for handling testing and advice on what to do if you learn you will be getting a student who has struggled with SM in the past.

What Is Selective Mutism?

Selective mutism (SM) is an anxiety disorder in which a child is unable to speak in certain settings or to certain people. The most common setting for children with SM to struggle in is school. The disorder can be confusing to adults and painful for children, who experience so much anxiety that they actually feel unable to speak in certain situations, even though they can speak easily and comfortably other times, such as when they are at home with their parents. Children with SM don’t necessarily look anxious; they may stare back or look frozen when asked a question or prompted to engage.

The disorder often isn’t discovered until a child first starts going to school and his teacher notices that something is wrong. Parents might not realize their child has trouble speaking around other people since talking is not a problem at home. Or they may think that their child is shy, but not realize just how impairing their child’s anxiety really is.

Kids who have selective mutism might only be able to speak in a whisper to teachers or peers. Others might not even be able to manage a whisper, and might go the entire school year without speaking once. Children with SM may not be able to answer questions in class, even when they know the correct response, and they may struggle to ask for help or initiate conversations. Many children with SM cannot ask to use the bathroom, and may go hours or the whole day without using the bathroom (or may have accidents).

Signs a Child Might Have SM

Signs a child might have selective mutism include:

Being freely verbal and even gregarious at home, but completely or mostly nonverbal at school or around strangers

Seeming “paralyzed” with fear, or “shut down” when unable to speak

Using gestures, facial expressions and nodding to communicate. (Note some children with SM struggle even with nonverbal communication and will not do this.)

The disorder may look slightly different from child to child. Sometimes children with SM will be able to talk to peers but unable to talk to their teacher. Others will stay silent around peers, too. Many kids with SM enjoy school and have friends (or want to); they may interact nonverbally during playtime. Some children with SM are able to speak to their classmates in their own homes, but many cannot. Although they’re normally able to talk with their parents, some might stop being able to once they are in their classroom (or even on school property). Some children with SM will be able to smile and point to things that they want, while others will struggle even with this, developing a completely flat facial expression and not being able to use gestures.

While warming up to a new classroom environment can take time for many children, and being quiet in the first few weeks of school isn’t uncommon, a student who is nonverbal for more than a month may be cause for concern.

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