Identify and write the types of clauses:
a. After the storm cleared, the flight took off.
b. You will learn to speak Spanish if you practice.
c. The rescue helicopter landed on top of the hospital.
d. You can help with the dishes or you can wash the car.
Passive Voice
(Why It is Evil and How to Recognize It.)
Two "voices" occur in English grammar: active voice and passive voice. The difference is subtle at first, but it's easy to master once the grammarian understands the basics. Examine the subject and the main verb in the two sentences below:
(A) The boy hit the ball.
(B) The ball was hit. (Or, "The ball was hit by the boy").
In sentence A, we might ask ourselves, what does the hitting? The answer is the subject, boy. That subject is actively performing the verb; it is actively "doing" the verb hit to a direct object (the ball). This virtuous sentence is in active voice.
In sentence B, we might ask ourselves what is the subject? (ball.) What is the subject doing? (Nothing.) The subject is not hitting anything else. So who exactly is doing the verb to hit? It is not clear unless we stick a prepositional phrase "by the boy" on the end of the sentence. The subject is passively sitting, doing nothing, while some outside agent performs the action (hitting). Since the subject of the sentence is passive grammatically, this sentence is passive voice.
Note: Sometimes the passive voice sentence is necessary when the speaker wants to hide the agent or obscure what occurs. For instance, a governor up for reelection might say, "In the last election, taxes were raised over the course of the year." The passive voice sentence hides the agent. It would be uncomfortable for him to tell potential voters, "In the last election, I raised taxes over the course of the year." In that last sentence, the one doing the action is painfully clear! This type of situation is one of the few times that passive form proves useful, albeit in a somewhat deceptive way I would discourage. You can also use passive voice to focus the reader’s attention on specific words or for variety’s sake.
In most other cases, it is better rhetoric to use active voice. It is a better choice for several reasons:
(1) Active voice sentences are often more concise than passive voice. Expressing the same idea in passive voice frequently takes 30% to 40% more words:
The fighter punched Ali and dodged the uppercut. (Active voice--8 words)
Ali was punched by the fighter, and then an uppercut was dodged by him. (Passive voice--14 words, about 40% longer)
In the last generation, the family built a new house and raised a new brood of children. (Active voice: 17 words)
In the last generation, a new house was built by the family, and a new brood of children was raised by them. (Passive voice--25 words, about 30% longer)
(2) Passive voice requires more "weak" words. It uses abstract words like is /am /are /was /were /being /been/has/have/had, the definite article (the), and prepositions like by and of. These are dull and colorless compared to concrete nouns, powerful verbs, and vivid adjectives. Good writers try to avoid these empty, weak words and replace them with strong words.
However, passive voice often traps writers. To make clear who is doing what, writers using passive voice must either tag unwieldy phrases at the end of clauses, such as "by so-and-so," or they must leave out this phrase and let the sentence become unclear.
The airplane was flown to Bermuda (by the pilot).
The crackers were eaten (by the puppy).
In the moonlight, the tango was danced (by the couple).
To be verbs and the prepositions do not add much to the sentence in terms of color. You could express the same idea in active voice with less length, but no lost content:
The pilot flew the airplane to Bermuda.
The puppy ate the crackers.
In the moonlight, the couple danced the tango.
Remember, the heart of your sentence beats in its strong verbs, concrete nouns, and vivid description! Prepositions and articles can become dead weight. If you understand that, your writing will be more direct and powerful if fewer prepositions and articles clog your sentences. Using active voice consistently is one way to ensure that doesn't happen.
(3) The passive voice clause can be confusing or unclear, especially in long sentences.
My car has been driven to Dallas.
(By whom? By the speaker? By a car-thief? By the teletubbies?)
Sixteen thousand calories were consumed in one sitting.
(Who is doing this monstrous act of dietary vandalism?)
Five FBI agents entered the room, and the terrorist was plastered against the wall.
(Does that mean the five FBI agents plastered the terrorist against the wall? Or does it mean when the five FBI agents entered the room, the terrorist had plastered himself against the wall? Or did someone else entirely plaster the terrorist against the wall before the FBI arrived? It is impossible to tell with passive voice structure in the last clause.)
However, the author frequently doesn't know who did the action either.The agent doing the action might truly be unknown.
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