Identify Pairing (100 Marks)
There is a set of N men and Nwomen. Each of them is numbered from 1 to N. They have be
However complete information about the pairs is not available. Some specific clues about th
These clues are either of the form:
ith woman, indicated as Wi, is paired with the man Mj
woman Wp is not paired with the man Mq
If Wi is paired with Mj then they cannot pair with anyone else.
Given the number Nand the clues, you have to write a program, which deduces the complet
Consider the case where N = 3 and the clues are:
1 W1 is paired with M2
2. W3 is not paired with M1
W3 She cannot be paired with M1 (given as clue 2). She cannot
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is the formula of that can be what is a formula that can be solved this problem
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