Chemistry, asked by manikdahiya9803, 9 months ago

Identify the acid radicals in the given sample p


Answered by nidhi1053


(a) Carbonate: On treating the solid carbonate, CO2 is given off in the cold with brisk effervescence.

(b) Sulphide: Sulphides when treated with dil. H2SO4 give H2S gas.

(c) Sulphite: On heating solid sulphite with dil.H2SO4, SO2 gas is evolved

(d) Nitrite: On treating solid nitrite with dil. H2SO4, nitric oxide (NO) gas is evolved which readly gives brown fumes of  NO2 with the oxygen of the air.

2) Conc. H2SO4 Test

If no action takes place with dil. H2SO4, warm a pinch of the salt with conc. H2SO4 and identify the gas evolved.

Chemical Reactions Involved in Conc. H2SO4 Test

(a) Chlorides: Chloride salts react with conc. H2SO4 to evolve hydrogen chloride (HCl) gas.  

(b) Bromides: Bromide salts react with conc. H2SO4 to evolve bromine gas.


(c) Iodides: Iodide salts react with conc. H2SO4 to evolve vapours of iodine.


(d) Nitrates: Upon reaction with conc.H2SO4 nitrates evolve NO2 gas.  


(e) Acetates: Acetates react with conc. H2SO4 to produce vapours of acetic acid.


(f) Oxalates: Oxalates salts react with conc. H2SO4 to evolve a mixture of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.  


3) Independent Group. (SO42- and PO43-) Test

If the salt does not react with dil H2SO4 as well as with conc. H2SO4 test for SO42-and PO43- by performing their individual tests.

4) Potassium permanganate Test

This test is performed by using dilute sulphuric acid and potassium permanganate as reagents. This test helps in the detection of Cl-, Br-, I- and C2O42-.

Chemical reactions involved in Potassium permanganate test

Wet Tests for Acid Radicals (Anions)

Let us discuss the chemical reactions involved in the confirmation of Anions:

Confirmation of Carbonate (CO32-)

(a) Reaction with di.l HCl

Carbonate on reaction with dil. HCl gives CO2 gas that reacts with lime water to produce a white precipitate of calcium carbonate that turns lime water milky. In case of soluble carbonate, this test is performed with water extract and in case of insoluble carbonates, this test is performed with the solid salt.


(b) Magnesium sulphate test

This test is performed in the case of soluble carbonates only. Soluble carbonates react with the magnesium sulphate solution to form a white precipitate of magnesium carbonate.


Confirmation of Sulphite (SO32-)

(a) Barium chloride test

Sulphites on reaction with barium chloride to form a white precipitate of barium sulphite. Barium sulphite dissolved in dil. HCl with the evolution  of sulphur dioxide gas.


(b) Potassium permanganate test

The colour of potassium permanganate is discharged when it reacts with sulphite. The reaction is given below.


(c) Potassium dichromate test

A green colour is obtained when sulphites react with potassium dichromate solution.

Confirmation of Sulphide (S2-)

(a) Sodium nitroprusside test

Sulphides give a violet or purple colouration with the sodium nitroprusside solution due to the formation of Na4[Fe(CN)5NOS].

(b) Lead acetate test

Sulphides react with lead acetate to form a black precipitate of lead sulphide.

(c) Cadmium carbonate test:  

Sulphides react with a suspension of cadmium carbonate to form a yellow precipitate of cadmium sulphide.

Confirmation of Nitrite (NO2-)

(a) Ferrous sulphate test

Nitrites give a dark brown or black colouration in Ferrous sulphate test due to the formation of FeSO4.NO.

(b) Starch - Iodide test

Nitrites react with potassium iodide in the presence of dilute sulphuric acid to liberate iodine. Iodine forms a blue-black complex with starch.

(c) Diphenylamine test

In the presence of nitrites, diphenylamine is oxidised, giving a blue colouration.

Confirmation of Nitrate (NO3-)

(a) Diphenylamine test

In the presence of nitrates, diphenylamine is oxidised, giving a blue colouration.

(b) Copper chips test

In this reaction copper chips reduces nitrates to reddish brown NO2 gas.

(c) Brown-ring test

This test can be performed by adding a solution of iron (II) sulphate to a solution of nitrate, followed by the slow addition of concentrated sulphuric acid, such that the sulphuric acid forms a layer below the aqueous solution. The formation of a brown ring at the junction of two layers indicates the presence of nitrate.

The overall reaction is the reduction of nitrate ion by iron (II) which reduced to iron (I) and formation of a nitrosonium complex where nitric oxide is oxidised to NO+.

Confirmation of Chloride (Cl-)

(a) Silver nitrate test

Chlorides on reaction with silver nitrate solution to form a white precipitate of silver chloride which is soluble in ammonium hydroxide.

(b) Manganese dioxide test

When chloride salts react with manganese dioxide and concentrated sulphuric acid, chlorine gas is liberated.

(c) Chromyl chloride test

When chloride salts react with potassium dichromate and conc. sulphuric acid red fumes of chromyl chloride is formed which reacts with sodium hydroxide to form yellow solution of sodium chromate. Sodium chromate reacts with lead acetate in presence of dil. acetic acid to form yellow precipitate of lead chromate.

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