identify the ancient education system.presons belonging to which ashrama of life attend this
Ashrama in Hinduism is one of four age-based life stages discussed in Indian texts of the ancient and medieval eras.
The four ashramas are: Brahmacharya (student), Grihastha (householder), Vanaprastha (retired) and Sannyasa (renunciate).
The Ashrama system is one facet of the Dharma concept in Hinduism.It is also a component of the ethical theories in Indian philosophy, where it is combined with four proper goals of human life (Purusartha), for fulfilment, happiness and spiritual liberation.Under the Ashram system, the human lifespan was divided into four periodsUnder the Ashram system, the human lifespan was divided into four periods.The goal of each period was the fulfilment and development of the individual. The classical system, in the Ashrama Upanishad, the Vaikhanasa Dharmasutra and the later Dharmashastra, presents these as sequential stages of human life and recommends ages for entry to each stage, while in the original system presented in the early Dharmasutras the Ashramas were four alternative available ways of life, neither presented as sequential nor with age recommendations.
This picture depicts the gurukul education system.
The Bramacharya Ashrama lasted upto the age of 25 years. During this period, the pupil was expected to acquire knowledge in the gurukul and observe strict discipline.