Identify the substance.
A. It is the most abundant source of power
and a non-metallic mineral.
B. It is refined to get petroleum.
C. It is released when petroleum is drilled.
Explain how waterfalls or water released
from dams can help generate electricity.
Pick any one non-conventional energy
source and explain how it helps to harness
energy from nature. Include one place
where it is harnessed .
Answered by
(i) Three common minerals used every day:
(a) Copper – Electric wires
(b) Talc – Talcum powder
(c) Lead – Batteries
(ii)Ores are the rocks from which minerals are mined. The ores of metallic minerals are generally found in igneous and metamorphic rock formations that form large plateaus.
(iii)Russia and the United Kingdom are the two regions rich in natural gas resources.
(a) Biogas energy for rural areas
(b) Hydel and tidal energy for coastal areas
(c) Wind and solar energy for arid regions
(v) Five ways in which energy can be saved at home:
(a) Switching off lights, fans and other electrical appliances when not in use
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