Identify the underlined phrases as noun phrase, Adjective phrase and adverb phrase.

Noun phrase
A noun phrase is built around a single noun, for example:
A vase of roses stood on the table.
She was reading a book about the emancipation of women.
Verb phrase
A verb phrase is the verbal part of a clause, for example:
She had been living in London.
I will be going to college next year.
Adjective phrase
An adjective phrase is built around an adjective, for example:
He’s led a very interesting life.
A lot of the kids are really keen on football.
Adverbial phrase
An adverbial phrase is built round an adverb by adding words before and/or after it, for example:
The economy recovered very slowly.
They wanted to leave the country as fast as possible
The basic difference between noun phrase and adjective phrase is that a noun phrase acts as a noun while an adjective phase acts as an adjective. Furthermore, a noun phrase can occur anywhere in a sentence as a subject, object or complement while an adjective phrase only occurs before or after a noun.