Political Science, asked by princeaman63, 11 months ago

Identify the various factors responsible for breaking down the caste system in india


Answered by sanskriti09
Industrialisation etc.


Answered by mansi440

Some of the important Factors Responsible for Change in Caste System in India are as follows:

Caste system under the impact of certain powerful factors is undergoing rapid transformation in modern India. The factors responsible for such a change in the system are as follows:


1. Modern education:

Modern liberal education introduced into the country by the British has played a crucial role in undermining the importance of caste in Indian social life.

Modern education

Modern education is based on such democratic values like equality, liberty and fraternity. It is also grounded on such scientific values like reason and observation. Hence it is quite natural that with the spread of modern education, the people’s belief in the divine origin of caste, Karma and Karmaphala has received a severe set­back.

As modern education is usually imparted in co-educational institutions, it encourages inter-caste marriage and inter-caste mixing. Moreover, it acts as a powerful force towards the removal of untouchability.

2. Industrialization:

The process of industrialization has affected caste structure to a remarkable extent. Industrial growth has provided new sources of livelihood to people and made occupational mobility possible. Factories, mills and offices are agog with activity.


In the midst of all this, the people belonging to various castes consider it mediaevalistic to go into the question of one’s caste. In a factory a Brahmin works side by side with a Shudra. He cannot avoid his touch or shadow.

3. Urbanization:

Industrialization has given rise to the process of urbanization. New townships have emerged. The ruralites migrate to these towns in order to avail better employment opportunities.


With the coming up of big hotels, restaurants, theatres, clubs and educational institutions it is not at all possible to observe communal inhibitions and taboos against food-sharing. Kingsley Davis rightly observes that the anonymity, congestion, mobility, secularism and changeability of the city make the operation of the caste virtually impossible.

4. Modern means of transport and communication:

Modern means of transport and communication are instrumental in increasing spatial mobility of the people and thereby put an end to the caste system. Means of transport like train, bus, tram, airplane etc. cannot provide for distinctions between castes, and a leveling effect has been brought into the society.


It is absurd for any transport authority to reserve berths for Brahmins to the exclusion of the Shudras. During travel, too, one must of necessity take his meals without questioning the propriety of doing so in the company of low-caste persons.

5. Increase in the importance of wealth:

Under the caste system, birth was taken as the basis of social prestige. But today, wealth has replaced birth as the basis of social prestige. Occupations are now no longer caste-based. People while choosing their occupations attach greater importance to income rather than anything else.

importance of wealth:

It is because of this reason a high-born may be ill-placed in society while a man of low caste with ample wealth at his disposal has a room at the top. With this change of emphasis, the Indian caste system is in the process of being replaced by the system of social classification as prevails in western countries

May it help you

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