if a coal needs to be converted into a diamond using 4 processes.
Diamonds and coal and graphite are allotropes of the same element carbon. Of the three coal has volitile compounds in its makeup. When these are driven off in coke ovens with very little oxygen exposure they come closer to graphite. But the crystal structure within is still more akin to diamond. I wonder what would happen if all three were subject to very low oxygen while heating up to the carbon melting point? I'm willing to bet that the endothermic nature of diamond will show that both coal and graphite will convert to diamond. We have already proven that graphite will, and that seed crystals grow in a graphite medium… will the branched nature of coal and the volitiles within them present as diamond as well, in the end? We do know that Bucky Balls (Buckminster Fullerine) found in the soot in the fireplace will.
Here's a question,
Will nonpolar solvants aid in the formation of diamond with the application of pressure and allowed to evaporate…!?