If all the letters of the word 'RAPID' are arranged in all possible manner as they are in a dictionary
then find the rank of the word 'RAPID'.
First of all, arrange all letters of given word alphabetically : 'ADIPR'
Total number of words starting with A _ _ _ _ = 4! = 24
Total number of words starting with D _ _ _ _ = 4! = 24
Total number of words starting with I _ _ _ _ = 4! = 24
Total number of words starting with P _ _ _ _ = 4! = 24
Total number of words starting with RAD _ _ = 2! = 2
Total number of words starting with RAI _ _ = 2! = 2
Total number of words starting with RAPD _ = 1
Total number of words starting with RAPI _ = 1
\ Rank of the word RAPID = 24 + 24 + 24 + 24 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 102 Ans.
To Find:
The rank of the word 'RAPID', if all the letters of the word 'RAPID' are arranged in all possible manners as they are in a dictionary.
The words in a dictionary are written in alphabetical order.
The letters of the word 'RAPID' arranged alphabetically will be 'ADIPR'.
1. Starting with 'A', the remaining letters D, I, P, R can be arranged in ways. So, the number of words starting with .
2. Similarly, the number of words starting with .
3. Number of words starting with
4. Number of words starting with
5. Now, the number of words starting with is also . Out of these words, one word is 'RAPID'. Therefore,
Number of words starting with
Number of words starting with
6. Thus, so far words have been formed.
7. Now the words starting with will appear. The first word beginning with 'RAP' is 'RAPDI' which is the word and the next word is 'RAPID' itself. Thus, 'RAPID' is the word.
Hence, the rank of the word 'RAPID' is .