Chemistry, asked by jyotiprava411, 7 months ago

If Atomic Number is 24 & m = 0, then find total number of e-?
-Defineis moinical formula & Molecular formula What is relations​


Answered by sk20up


If Atomic Number is 24 & m = 0, then find total number of e-?

-Defineis moinical formula & Molecular formula What is relations

Answered by vincecharlesb


Nucl. Struct, and Reactions 5

DSAM lifetimes in the doubly odd nucleus


M.N. Rao1

, R.V. Ribas1

, N.H. Medina1

, F.R. Espinoza-Quinones2

, M.A. Rizzutto1

, E.W. Cybulska1


J.R.B. Oliveira1

, D. Bazzacco3

, S. Lunardi3

, CM. Petrache3

, Zs. Podolyak3

, C. Rossi Alvarez3

, T. Scanferla3


CA. Ur3

, R. Venturelli4

, D. De Acuiia4

, G. de Angelis4

, M. De Poli4

, E. Farnea4

, A. Gadea4

, D.R. Napoli4


L.H. Zhu4

, A. Dewald5

, J. Gableske5

and P. von Brentano5



Institute) de Fisica, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil


Departamento de Fisica - CCE, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Londrina, PR, Brazil


Dipartimento de Fisica and INFN, Sezione di Padova, Padova, Italy


INFN, Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Legnaro, Italy


Institut fur Kernphysik der Universitdt zu Koln, Kb'ln, Germany

Information on highly deformed rotational bands in the doubly odd

134Pr nucleus has become

available quite recently [1,2]. One of these bands has been tentatively assigned a 7r(hu/2)3

<S> ^(^7/2)^/2)

configuration, while the other band is thought to have the 7r(hn/2)3

<S> ^113/2 configuration. Thus one

would expect the latter band to have a more deformed nuclear shape.

The present note reports on a Doppler broadened lineshape lifetime measurement in this nucleus.

The rotational bands in

134Pr were populated by bombarding a Au-backed

110Pd target with 130 MeV

28Si beam provided by the XTU tandem accelerator of the Legnaro National Laboratory. The GASP

array, BGO inner ball and the multi-telescope particle detector ball (ISIS) were utilized in order to select

the proton gated events. Data were of sufficiently good statistics to obtain clean gated spectra for the

positive parity E2 band. The Doppler broadened lineshapes for a cascade of 6 transitions in this band

were fitted for 5 of the 7 rings of detectors (36°, 60°, 90°, 120° and 146°) in the GASP array. The analysis

of data was performed with the computer code LINESHAPE [3], assuming rotational-band side feeding

for each of the levels of interest. The slowing down of the Pr recoiling nuclei was described with two sets

of electronic stopping, viz., shell-corrected Northcliffe-Schilling and Ziegler's heavy-ion stopping powers.

Fig.l shows examples of the resulting line-shape fits at forward and backward angles. The best estimates

for the in-band Qt values from the present work are shown in Fig.2. A linear fit to the resulting Q« values

and the 67 % confidence limits are also shown in this figure.

The negative-parity E2 band is weaker in intensity and the proton-gated data are not of sufficient

statistical quality. We will attempt to study this band using the centroid shift method, employing ring

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