Biology, asked by bhumiverma13, 7 months ago

if concentration of sucrose is high then stomata will be open why ?​


Answered by Cynefin

Required Answer:-

When the concentration of sucrose inside the stomata is high, it means the concentration of solute molecules is high and concentration of solvent molecules is less. The conc. of solvent in outer environment is higher as compared to that inside of the stomata.

Conc. of solvent is more in the outer environment. Hence, the solvent molecules will move from outside to inside. That is Endosmosis. The stomata guard cells bulge outs because of turgidity. Hence, the outer membrane will move outwards and open the stomata.

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Some more important points regarding Stomata:

  • The outer membrane is thinner as compared to the inner membrane of the guard cells.

  • Endosmosis leads to the high turgidity, and makes the stomatal pore opened.

  • Exosmosis leads to flaccidity and makes the stomatal pore closed.

  • Endosmosis and Exosmosis depends upon the concentration of solvent and solute molecules inside the cell and outer environment.
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