Math, asked by sunejamhanta18, 9 months ago

if f(x) = 5x²-4x+5 find f(1)+f(-1) + f(2)​


Answered by DANGR

Step-by-step explanation:

Speech Writing Class 12 Format, Examples, Topics, Samples

A Speech is a formal talk that a person delivers to his audience. It must have the capacity to hold the attention of the audience with a proper choice of words, expressions and examples. At the same time care should be taken not to deviate from the main subject. You must keep in mind that it is a speech and you need to begin the draft with addressing the audience and conclusion should be with a sentence thanking the audience.

♦ Remember:

WHO you are writing the speech for (i.e., who your audience is).

WHAT your speech is going to be about (its topic) and the main points in order of importance.

♦ Note:

It is important to note that the written speech should consist of small sentences having not more than 10 to 12 words in a sentence.

♦ Value Points:

Greet your audience and introduce the topic you are speaking on.

The introduction part of the speech is the most important part.

It is this part which decides the impact of the speech.

Do not give a separate title for the speech.

Keep in mind, as already stated, the occasion of the speech and the nature of the audience.

The introduction should not be very lengthy.

The main topic should be taken up as quickly as possible.

Use concrete terms and tangible examples.

Avoid abstract phrases which are quite vague.

Use simple and familiar language.

The conclusion plays a very important role in the success of a speech.

Give your own conclusion on the topic in a telling manner.

Marking scheme is the same as for the Article.

Write ‘Thank you’ at the end of your speech.

Speech Writing Format CBSE Class 12

♦ Previous Years’ CBSE Examination Questions

♦ Very Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.

Nowadays just about everyone owns a cellphone but most of the users do not follow even the basic rules of cellphone conduct. They are seen speaking loudly, taking a phone call in the middle of a meeting or even at a funeral etc. Write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered in the assembly of your school to appraise the fellow students of cellphone etiquette. (Comptt. All India 2011)


Nowadays almost everyone owns a mobile phone but many users have no knowledge of the basic rules of cellphone conduct. Good Morning everyone, I, ABC, have come before you all to apprise you of cellphone etiquette. It is actually necessary to follow a few guidelines regarding the use of cellphones. Your cellphone does not have to go everywhere you go. There . are times when you should never answer your cellphone, especially in places of worship and funeral homes. At the very best they should be on the vibrate mode in these places. Use your quiet inside voice and do not yell into your cellphone. Be courteous to others’ right of not being disturbed by your megaphone range voice. In social situations where you are entertaining friends or clients, do not have long cellphone conversations as it gives the impression that you do not value the time and presence of the person in front of you. If your phone rings while you are driving, wait till you have pulled over before you answer or return the call. Your life and the life of the people around you is of much more value than your phone call. Be a responsible cellphone user, be aware of your surroundings before making or receiving a call and have respect for those around you. This will help others to appreciate your good judgement and consideration.

Thank you!

Question 2.

Regular practice of yoga can help in maintaining good health and even in the prevention Writing Skills 121 of so many ailments. Write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered in the morning assembly on the usefulness of yoga. (Delhi 2012)


Good morning Respected Principal Maam, Teachers and Dear Friends. I, ABC, have come before you all to speak on the usefulness of yoga. Yoga means the experience of unity with one’s inner being. Yoga is the Sanskrit word for “union”.


Answered by sreelakshmisalim69


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