History, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

If I was tsar what would you do


Answered by sharwankumarjakhar


In Arab countries the sentiment is: If the head-of-state loses a War he has to resign. But Russia is far from a muslim country.

a. Preventing the War with Japan. For once shed your White Superiority attitude and try to reach an understanding with these Asians. They were willing to share so share with them East Asia. It was very brave to support the Korean royals but was it wise? You easily could have them transported to a safe place abroad. And let Count Witte arrange for a mutual understanding. He was about the greatest diplomat of his time and leader of the Russian Peace Party.

b. If the War with Japan happens anyway force the French into active collaboration. Say, either you help us or we are through and the treaties are cancelled. Who cares what this Neo-Jacobin republic thinks. They have IndoChina and even a concession in China so they are able to help, these lazy bones. With active aid from France -and maybe others, like America- you can force the Japanese to a compromise. They will have the upper hand anyway but they will be forced to stop the war.

c. If this goes awry play the progressive, like your grandfather, Czar Alexander II did and give in to the First Russian Revolution (1905).

Czar Alexander II

Accept a Constitution and keep to it. Communists, republicans and other political riff-raff are still a minority. You can always rely on the Russian Orthodox Church and other pillars of the Empire. Imitate your cousin King George of Britain. And your Danish mother and mostly British wife have enough democratic traditions in their countries. Try to be a constitutional monarch. You will get more spare time -to go to the dentist.

the Cousins

d. I do know you love your son and he is an angel.

But do realize Alexei will never reach old age. So unobtrusivly get hold of your playboy brother, Michael, and force him to do ever more royal duties.

Threaten to cut Michael’s allowance if he resumes loitering. And let him keep his morganatic wife.

Nathalia Brasova, morganatic wife to Grandduke Michael,

Several Romanovs had morganatic spouses, including your own grandfather, Czar Alexander II and Grandduke Constantine. School Michael to be the next Czar.

e. And keep the Serbian Karageorgics out. Deny them every right. A bunch of royals that kill another dynasty are not royals but robber barons. This might have been standard in the Middle Ages yet this is the modern world. And does this murder not ressemble the murders of your grandfather and uncle!

The Murder on King Alexander and Queen Draga

f. And stick to the Peace Party of conservatives and liberals, led by Count Witte, not the War Party of panslavists and hypernationalists... Panslavism did not work with the Polish as well with most of the Austro-Hungarian Ukrainians and Rusyn. A clear sign it does not work at all but is a fantasy. And if these Czech settlers in Volhynia are nagging again threaten them with exile!

Count Sergey Witte

g. Give Poland the full autonomy they want in their small Third Kingdom of Poland. Keep them happy. And stop this counterproductive Roman Catholic banging; it leads nowhere.

Poland 1907

h. And for Christ’s sake stop this open antisemitism. It makes Russia the pariah of the international community. One person in your immediate surroundings knows it is wrong.. Grandduchess Ella , your Consort’s sister. Make her member of a committee to slowly stop these antisemitic proceedings and give Jews at least NEAR equal rights..

Grandduchess Elizabeth, born Princess of Hesse-Darmstadt with Princess Alice of Britain as mother

i. And never go into war again. It will be the undoing of you. your family and Russia. Listen to Count Witte. Prevent World War One; you wanted to undo mobilization and your feelings were right.

Remember the words of your father, Czar Alexander III: Never go to war! And certainly not in Europe!

The parents: Czar Alexander III and Czarina Maria, born Princess Dagmar of Denmark


Please mark me as brainliest. Ok

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