If I were on the moon what will I do ? 100 to 150 words
I would spend the first hour just taking it all in doing my best to come to terms with my first impressions. All sorts of questions would be racing through my mind. My activities would not include the use of tools or equipment to perform scientific experiments. Other Quora readers may wish to answer the questions I have listed below.
How does it feel to walk on the Moon at 1/6th Earth gravity?
What is color is the landscape? How does it vary?
How does the Earth look in the blackness of space? How much bigger does it look than the Moon from Earth?
Can I recognize any Earth landforms?
Can I see lights on the dark or night areas of the Earth?
How much of the Earth is covered by clouds?
Can I see any cloud movement in the Earth’s atmosphere?
Can I see any glints of light from Earth satellites?
Can I see the reflection of the Sun off of the Earth’s ocean?
How long does it take before I can see that the Earth is rotating?
How far away do the lunar hills and mountains look?
Can I see changes in shadow length? (Note: the Moon rotates once on its axis in 27.53 days).
How does the surface of the moon look when facing toward the Sun versus with my back to the Sun?
Can I see the curvature of the moon’s horizon?
How do shadows look? Are they sharper than they are on earth?
If I am in a shadow can I see Earthlight through an aperture that excludes all surface illumination?
If I look up at the Sun can I feel the heat from the Sun on my face through my visor?
What color is the sunlight? How does it appear on my gloved hand (assuming white colored fabric)?
Can I make out the stars, Milky Way, and perhaps some constellations?
Can I tell the difference between stars and planets?
Do non-twinkling stars look smaller and fainter than they do from Earth?
How many more stars can I see if my eyes are dark adapted? (with back to the Sun and blocking any backlight from the surface of the Moon).
Assuming I have landed on the Moon’s northern hemisphere, could I locate the Pole Star and the Big Dipper?
Is the sky completely black right to the horizon?
If I kick over some rocks and stomp down on the surface can I create a cloud of dust? How long does it take for the dust to settle?
Will small rocks crumble in my hands?
How far can I throw a rock?
What is the largest rock that I can pick up?
Is there a difference in the color of the surface under a rock compared to the surface around it?
What is the smallest crater I can locate?
How deep are my bootprints? Do they vary in-depth as I walk over different areas of the surface?
When my hour is up I would sign my name and date in the lunar surface using my finger
whenever I give on the moon my heart feels with present I wish I had Wings to fly up to the moon I know if I could grow up to become an astronaut I would be able to go on the Moon what is it would be from UP their special equipment and special training are required to go on the Moon I would have to wear a special space to along with the gas mask for breathing My Space Shuttle would be equipped with sensitive cameras are the scientific gadgets with plenty of food capsules to suffice me during the journey I would set of the Moon I would carefully place my first step on the moon it would have to be a Farm short step I could find myself flying my weight would be reduced to only one sixth of my actual weight I would feel as light as a name for King on a cloud then I would go about exploring the surface of the Moon full of deep which oxygen call creators as there is no no error on the Moon I would you preaching through my oxygen cylinder I wouldn't talk at all to conserve my supply of oxyzen the moon would be a dark place even during the day the sky would appear black it would be had during the day and very cold at night I am sure I would mystudy blue sky that we see from the Earth and the greenery that makes are so beautiful and full of life side of the earth would be the best thing from the Moon take a lot of pictures from the Moon I might Discover and other new planet after I would leave my name on the Moon written on a piece of wood like a name plate it would be time to for me to return to my own planet I would make sure to tell my grandmother that there is really no man on the moon and that the man she talks about his just an imaginary figure once back on the earth I wouldn't stop talking about my wonderful experience however I would have to admit that the moon looks more beautiful from the Earth then we are actually there also there is no other planet as beautiful as our Earth