If LA and B are acute angles such that cos A = cos B, then show that LA= LB.
Human Being And Environment
Step-by-step explanation:
heroineheroine Singh modify natural environment to satisfy their needs . for example, they may cause Mills, factory ,and manufacture many products in this way our involvement is changed in at increasing rate early humans adapted themselves to their natural surroundings. they let a very simple life and fulfill their needs from natural surroundings. with the passage of time need grieve and become more varied. people started to live in settle the life, battery system emergent trade and covenants development and the industrial revolution came into existence. of people begin to exploit natural resources and alarming rate .and worm in internal the great degradation has a cured mainly in the last few decades due to rapid economic development now it is globally recognised that certain human activities like burning of fossil fuels example petroleum gas and koel in motor vehicle and industries have resulted in raising the means temperatures of the earth these is this is known as global warming this is only the example of disturbance in the balance state of our environment while a perfect balance between the natural and human environment is necessary human should be where awareof their balance they must long the leaves and use their environment in jaundice way.