Chemistry, asked by shailajavallepu2597, 7 months ago

If no work is done,w=0 and the first law reduces to


Answered by HussainSuperStudent


The 1st law of thermodynamics states that internal energy change of a system equals net heat transfer minus net work done by the system.


The first law of thermodynamics is a version of the law of conservation of energy, specialized for thermodynamical systems.

In equation form, the first law of thermodynamics is







Heat engines are a good example of the application of the 1st law; heat transfer into them takes place so that they can do work.

The first law of thermodynamics is a version of the law of conservation of energy specialized for thermodynamic systems. It is usually formulated by stating that the change in the internal energy of a closed system is equal to the amount of heat supplied to the system, minus the amount of work done by the system on its surroundings. The law of conservation of energy can be stated like this: The energy of an isolated system is constant.

First Law of Thermodynamics: In this video I continue with my series of tutorial videos on Thermal Physics and Thermodynamics. It’s pitched at undergraduate level and while it is mainly aimed at physics majors, it should be useful to anybody taking a first course in thermodynamics such as engineers etc..

If we are interested in how heat transfer is converted into work, then the conservation of energy principle is important. The first law of thermodynamics applies the conservation of energy principle to systems where heat transfer and doing work are the methods of transferring energy into and out of the system. In equation form, the first law of thermodynamics is


Internal Energy: The first law of thermodynamics is the conservation-of-energy principle stated for a system where heat and work are the methods of transferring energy for a system in thermal equilibrium. Q represents the net heat transfer—it is the sum of all heat transfers into and out of the system. Q is positive for net heat transfer into the system. W is the total work done on and by the system. W is positive when more work is done by the system than on it. The change in the internal energy of the system, ΔU, is related to heat and work by the first law of thermodynamics, ΔU=Q−W.







Here ΔU is the change in internal energy U of the system, Q is the net heat transferred into the system, and W is the net work done by the system. We use the following sign conventions: if Q is positive, then there is a net heat transfer into the system; if W is positive, then there is net work done by the system. So positive Q adds energy to the system and positive W takes energy from the system. Thus ΔU=Q−W. Note also that if more heat transfer into the system occurs than work done, the difference is stored as internal energy. Heat engines are a good example of this—heat transfer into them takes place so that they can do work.

Thermodynamics is the study of systems involving energy in the form of heat and work. A good example of a thermodynamic system is gas confined by a piston in a cylinder. If the gas is heated, it will expand, doing work on the piston; this is one example of how a thermodynamic system can do work.

Thermal equilibrium is an important concept in thermodynamics. When two systems are in thermal equilibrium, there is no net heat transfer between them. This occurs when the systems are at the same temperature. In other words, systems at the same temperature will be in thermal equilibrium with each other.

The first law of thermodynamics relates changes in internal energy to heat added to a system and the work done by a system. The first law is simply a conservation of energy equation:

The internal energy has the symbol U. Q is positive if heat is added to the system, and negative if heat is removed; W is positive if work is done by the system, and negative if work is done on the system.

We've talked about how heat can be transferred, so you probably have a good idea about what Q means in the first law. What does it mean for the system to do work? Work is simply a force multiplied by the distance moved in the direction of the force. A good example of a thermodynamic system that can do work is the gas confined by a piston in a cylinder, as shown in the diagram.

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