If the class intervals are 140 to 145, 145 to 150, 150 to 155, 155 to 160 and 165 to 170 And The frequencies are 10, 8, 20, 12, 6, 4 then find the less than ''cumulative frequency.''
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Now n = 51. S0, n/ 2 = 51/ 2 =25.5 this observation lies in the class 145 – 150 Then, L (the lower limit) = 145 cf (the cumulative frequency of the class preceding 145 – 150) = 11 f (the frequency of the median class 145 - 150) = 18 h (the class size) = 5 Using the formula,
We have Median = 145 + 72.5/ 18 = 149.03 So, the median height of the girls is 149.03 cm This means that the height of about 50% of the girls in less than this height, and 50% are taller than this height.
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