if the cross sectional area of magnetic core of a transformer increases, the secondary output voltage of the transforme
This law is applicable only if the following Conditions are met..
1 - Two Bodies having Mass
2 - There must be Some Distance between them
According to Universal Gravitional Law :
(i)The Gravitional force Between two bodies having mass m1 and m2 directly depends on the product of their masses and
(ii) Inversely Proportional to the Square of distance between them...
F = Gravitional force
m1 and m2 are the masses of bodies
r = Distance between the bodies having masses m1 and m2...
Now from statement (i) and (ii) we must have
F = G m1 x m2 / r^2 ----(iii) where G is the constant of proportionality..called Universal gravitional Constant.....
According to relation (iii)..if mass of the body increases then F will increase too...and decreases if the distance between them increases...