Computer Science, asked by bajpaienvirogmailcom, 6 months ago

if the domain name extension of India in which country​


Answered by Anonymous

za is the Interñet country códe top-level domàin (ccTLD) for Soúth Afríca. The za namespàce is managed and regúlated by the .

Answered by bossygirl


The views he expressed were received very largely as ex cathedra statements. This statement is made ex cathedra, with no experimental evidence cited in support. Mine was the generational privilege of hearing him speak ex cathedra, or even more of seeing him, for his expressiveness went far beyond words alone.


CO.ZA is the Commercial domain name extension for South Africa, and is managed by ZACR (ZA Central Registry), who appoints on application, companies like ISP's, to act as registrars and who have a direct link to the EPP Domain System facilitated by the registry, to register domain names in the . ZA namespace.






Hope this is helpful buddy





Afternoon all ❤️













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