"If there's a source of food, there's some form of life that finds it ".justify this statement.
Justification of the statement "If there is a source of food, there is a form of life that finds it":
Life on earth appeared because of evolution. It has taken several thousands of years to form the life that we are seeing today. All forms of life - birds, land and sea animals, plants, micro-organisms - appeared only because of their necessity and requirement to each other. By depending on each other for their food and growth requirements, they create balance in nature.
Important examples in this context are the food chain and food web. According to this, each and every species, including man, is dependent on the other for food and sustenance. If there is a life form that appears on the earth that is not part of the food web or food chain, they multiply in leaps and bounds and can threaten the other life forms too. Hence nature carefully balances this and chooses life forms that are required as a food for some species. Other forms that have no value in this system gradually disappear over time.