Biology, asked by palbettujyothi, 1 year ago

If we tie a tornquit on the hand and block the veins which part of the hand bulges ? Why?


Answered by Sunil07
The band they tie is called a 'TOURNIQUET' 
Normally, this vein is carrying blood away the hand (Veins carry blood away from organs to the heart) When you want to draw blood, you obviously want to restrict the blood over an area right? If it flows back, you will hardly be able to collect a sufficient sample. 
It also increases the prominence of the veins.

Well, it is to apply a light pressure.And that is done to prevent further oozing out of blood from the vein. It is a common procedure even in surgery to apply pressure when there is bleeding from veins. This encourages clotting.
Answered by paniparamita

The terminal part bulges because if we tie a tornquit the veins are blocked as they are superficially located whereas the arteries are embedded deeply thus they are not blocked . As a result the blood keeps flowing to the terminal but is not carried back to the heart.

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