If you don't know the answer don't reply I will give extra points if you answer correctly it is to be written in java.dont ask silly questions or say that you don't know the answer. points will be given in any other waste question.(class 10 ICSE)
You have to use only 2 if statement. please give the complete solution don't give only the logic I want complete answer
Input an integer and display Fizz, Buzz, FizzBuzz according to the following criteria:
divisible by 3 -> Fizz
divisible by 5 -> Buzz
divisible by 3 and 5 -> FizzBuzz if none of the above -> display the number
import java.util.*;
class FizzBuzz
public static void main(String args[])
int n = 100;
// loop for 100 times
for (int i=1; i<=n; i++)
if (i%15==0)
System.out.print("FizzBuzz"+" ");
// number divisible by 5, print 'Buzz'
// in place of the number
else if (i%5==0)
System.out.print("Buzz"+" ");
// number divisible by 3, print 'Fizz'
// in place of the number
else if (i%3==0)
System.out.print("Fizz"+" ");
// number divisible by 15(divisible by
// both 3 & 5), print 'FizzBuzz' in
// place of the number
else // print the numbers
System.out.print(i+" ");