if you know the answer then only answer else reported answer all of them. python programming give the output also
The images are attached above.
Hope this helps u
Program for 1st question
x = int(input("Enter a number")
print('Cube of the number = ', x*x*x)
Program for 2nd question
a = int(input("Enter a number: "))
print('Quotient = ', a/5)
print("Reminder = ", a%5
Program for 3rd question
x = float(input('Enter radius for a circle: '))
import math
print("Area of the circle = ", math.pi*x*x)
print("Circumference of the circle = ", math.pi*2*x)
Program for 4th question
import math
n = float(input("Enter a number: "))
print('Square root of the number = ', math.sqrt(n))
Program for 5th question
print('We have sports period on Wednesday.\nI love to play football.\nI to to the Sports field to play.
Program for 6th question
y = float(input('Enter a length of rectangle: '))
z = float(input('Enter a Breadth of rectangle: '))
print("Area of rectangle = ', y*z)
Hope it helps!!