English, asked by mrudulakk99, 1 year ago

If you’re self-employed, its a whole new world out there.


Answered by arpithasonu8

Self-Employment Removes All Limits

Not only is up to you to push yourself down your career path, but the choice of destination is entirely up to you. A graphic designer working for Google might be well paid, but they can take a look up the career ladder at the company and see where they’ll max out. If they do really well, they might make six figures. They might even end up with some valuable options. But they won’t become a millionaire. Their career path within the company stops before it reaches that point. They could move to a different company but there too the career path might be shorter than the designer’s ambition.

The self-employed are limited only by the size of their dreams. If that designer wants to run his own design studio, churning out new-look faces for Rolex watches or sketching the lines of the new Audi, they just need to figure out what they need to do to pitch for those jobs. That doesn’t mean they will, or that they’ll even want to. But whether they do fulfil that professional dream or not won’t depend on the size of the company that gave them a job or the opportunities it offers. It will depend only on their own choices.

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