English, asked by rameshanuradha180, 1 year ago

II. Write a story in about 150-200 words with the beginning "We had seen him moving

from platform to platform "You may take help from the hints given below:

An old beggar at the railway station -lived in misery -had a steel trunk lying in one

corner- died one day- a young man in tears -took away the steel trunk, claiming the

beggar to be his father -a middle-aged man came and said the beggar was his father and

that he was his only son.​


Answered by phillipinestest

Story Writing

Irony of Fate

Raghav was an old man of eighty. His home for the last eight decades had been the Rangpur Railway Station. His parents who were daily labourers worked for the Railways. Raghav was about a year then when a speeding train had run both his parents down.

The orphan was brought up with negligence by the beggars of the station. They gave him what little they could spare. He grew up at the railway station begging and lived in misery. His only possession was a steel trunk lying in one  corner . It contained his parents belongings.

Rai was a wagon breaker. He lurked round the station stealing all things he could lay his hands on. At night he would rob the wagons, in the morning he would pick pocket unsuspecting passengers.

The police could never catch him as  they could not trace the place where he hid the stolen things.

Rai was as sly as a fox. He had noticed Raghav's old, caste away trunk. He hid all his things there.

One day  Raghav passed away in his sleep. As soon as his body was taken, Rai disguised as a middle aged man and stormed into the station. Claiming to be the beggar's only son he took away the steel trunk. Rai was very happy to have hood winked  the police.

But the police were cleverer than he expected. They had secretly taken Raghav into confidence and make him their spy and placed a transmitter in his trunk.  Through it they tracked down Rai  and caught him finally.  What an irony of fate!

Learn more on Story Writing:

story writing class 9 - Brainly.in


Story writing. An old lady became blind.... - Brainly.in


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