III. You heard about an NGO recruiting people for voluntary work. Since they have
an age limit, write a letter to them asking whether you too can take part as a
volunteer even though you are in school. Also, if it is not possible for you to take
part, in what other way can you be involved with their work? Based on the above
question, what kind of a letter is it? Write an opening & closing statement for the
letter. (5 marks)
work in your organization without pay. You can recruit them formally (asking them to fill out application forms, offering them a job title, etc.) or informally (by asking your sister to help build an agency float, for instance), or anything in between.
You might need volunteers for a specific task at a specific time, or in a much more general role, for any help they can give. Recruitment does not have any set time limits -- you might recruit for a certain event, for a certain block of time such as six months, or for an indefinite period. It is helpful to seek volunteers who reflect the diversity found in the community, and who have ties with other community groups or agencies.
Although volunteers work without pay, they do it to receive something – no one does things for no reason. Some reasons that people might be willing to volunteer include:
Someone asked them. Most people respond when someone tells them they’re needed.
They care deeply about the issues your organization addresses, and/or about social change.
They have personal experience of the effects of your organization’s issues, and want to do something about them. Former gang members, for example, might want to be involved in an effort to reduce and prevent youth violence.
They are motivated by their view of the world – because of religion, ethics, politics, philosophy, etc. – to try to improve the quality of life in their communities.
They seek the external recognition and internal good feeling that may come with volunteering.
They feel a need to pay back society for help or opportunities that were extended to them. Successful people who grew up poor in minority neighborhoods often return to those or similar neighborhoods as volunteers with youth, to try to reach children or adolescents who might have the same potential they had.
They have untapped skills that they can use by volunteering with your organization.
They want experience and/or training in your field of work. They might want to try out the work to see if it’s a career possibility, or they might want the experience as a credential for another kind of job.
They actively enjoy the kind of work that their volunteering entails: it’s fun for them.
They enjoy the social situation, and value the contacts with other volunteers, participants, and staff members. This is often true for people who don’t work outside the home, and don’t have the daily social contact that such work brings with it – seniors, stay-at-home mothers, etc.
It makes them feel needed and useful.
Recruitment, as the military will be the first to explain, is a sales job. Unlike military recruiting, however, volunteer recruiting offers no guarantee that someone will stick as a volunteer just because she’s signed up. Your sales job has to accurately point out the advantages of volunteering with your organization, so that people will not only be eager when they begin, but will stay enthusiastic and continue to volunteer for a long time.