Biology, asked by hamanidb9842, 1 year ago

Illustrate a brief distinction between accidents and risky behaviours and give one relevent example for each?


Answered by smartbrainz

Accident and risky behaviour are related terms.


  • Accident refers to careless or Jon careless action performed by a person which results in self destruction or destruction of others.
  • Risky behaviour on the other hand refers to such action due to which there may be destruction of others or himself.
  • For example drinking and driving is referred to as a risky behaviour which leads to an accident such as road traffic accident. Hence risky behaviour should be stopped by education of masses.

To know more about road traffic accident,

Which age group are at an increased risk for road traffic accident ...

Answered by andrewstanleymich


An accident means getting involved in an unfortunate incident. An accident happens unexpectedly and could also be classified as an “unforeseen event” or “unforeseen circumstances”. Accidents can result in injury as well as in physical damage. For example, when a vehicle collides with another vehicle (known as an accident) this can result in physical damage, not only to the vehicle, but also to the driver and passengers within the vehicles.

On the other hand, risky behaviour or risk taking is defined as an unconsciously controlled behaviour with a perceived uncertainty about its outcome. Its possible benefits or costs for the physical, economic or psycho-social well-being of oneself or others. For example, we might gamble on a lottery ticket (eg. Lotto) even though we know that the odds are firmly against us.  


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