CBSE BOARD X, asked by shreyasimitra5, 11 months ago

Illustrate with examples to show that sustainable development is essential for a country's economy
Write according to class 10​


Answered by Anonymous


The issue of sustainability is important for development because:

It requires preservation of stock of resources including exhaustible natural resources and environmental resources.

Recent studies show that groundwater in India is exhausted because of overuse. 1/3 of the country is overusing its groundwater reserves. Another area is exhaustion of natural resources. The resources of crude oil would last only for 43 years more.

plz mark this as the brainliest answer

Answered by bhuvi434


sustainable development is the type of development in which development should take place without damaging to the environment and compromising future needs.


example number 1 -the use of fossil fuels should be Limited in ones country or territory which could ensure your economy and leads to development .

example number 2 - crude oil usage and ores usage have been Limited in many parts of India and many country too to ensure its economy for the present as well as for the future .

thurs sustainable development is a a good and useful way for supporting countries economy

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