English, asked by sufiyamagrabi, 4 months ago

imagine you are having a bad day towards the end of that you found hope for a silver lining write a diary entry explaining a fateful days event​


Answered by pintusen0676


What is a bad day, in the first place? You may think that a bad day is when a lot of things don’t go the way you would’ve liked them to, but think again.

A bad day is when you decide it’s a bad day. It’s possible that a lot of things don’t happen your way but you’re still chill at the end of the day, still in control of your calm. It’s also possible that nothing goes wrong throughout the day and yet you’re cranky in the evening. Basically a bad day is when one’s mind is agitated.

I’ve noticed that whenever I’m in a bad mood, writing in my diary helps. It’s not exactly a diary, more like a journal filled with my thoughts and musings. I write whatever I’m feeling at the moment. Whatever thought pops in my head, I write it down. Slowly, as I get it out I feel better. The choppy, churning water at the surface of my mind settles and allows me to look deeper into it. I get a hold on my troubled emotions.

To finish it off I reread whatever I’ve just written. It’s like getting a second person perspective. Reading it, I’m able to look at myself, at the problem from outside with detachment and it clears the mind making it easier to solve. Most often the problem is not even worth the irritation it was causing.

In conclusion, writing a diary entry on a bad day may help convert it into a non-bad day.

keep calm and write. Cheers to you.

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