Imagine you are Scrooge.You have learnt your lesson.Write an article for a national daily,telling how to lead their lives
Life is short and we get only one chance to lead life the way we want to. There are millions of people in the world with millions of different mindsets and views. One may or may not agree with us that does not make the wrong or as a matter of fact, right. We all are right in our ways and life is nothing but choosing the right perspective and having no regrets. Leading a life like scrooge with lead us to unhappiness and make us lonely as nobody likes to be friends with selfish people without any hidden reasons. We should lead a happy life surrounded by people who give us positive vibes. Man is a social being and hence, a man can't live alone like a scrooge. Sure, there are a handful of advantages but those are just temporary. Leading a happy life in peace should be the key to our lives and not an unhappy life. We should not do anything that affects our mental health. We should know our ethics and avoid any immoral or unconstitutional acts. We should have friends, and we should spend on things that help us to be at peace but that does not mean, we should behave like spoiled people. No! we need to have our morals high and have empathy toward everyone. That is what will make us lead a happy and satisfying life.
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