Imagine yourself as Louis 16 , write diary entry on the last day of your life
Dear Student,
Dear Student,
Such questions are made for enhancing the self creative skills and should be tried
answering on your own. However, here are a few points that will help you in framing
your answer:
a. In your diary entry you may refer to King Louis XVI lifestyle, how we maintained an extravagant way of living.
b. You may refer to how he occupied the apex of French's social system and lived a luxurious life and believed in the theory of divine rights.
c. Then you may refer to some of the policies that he adopted that caused discontentment among the people compelling them to revolt, later resulting in him being dethroned.
d. You may refer how he rendered support to America which resulted in financial strain . It compelled him to impose more taxes.
e. You may also talk about how as a king he was under pressure to maintain the court, army, the administration.
f. You may incorporate the following paragraph in the diary entry about his feelings after being dethroned and charged of treason.
As the dethroned king Loius XVI I tried hard to preserve the essence of monarchy which for history defined the French's political system.The system which guarded French's aristocracy and social hierarchy which the masses condemned. Moved by the ideas and beliefs of liberty, equality and fraternity, France today is no longer a monarchy rather governed by elected representatives. I as the dethroned king has been charged of treason, along with my wife Marie Antoinette, waiting for our end. I failed to realise the popular sentiments that favoured power to the people. I am weak, pale yet composed silently waiting for my execution. I could have spend rest of my life in peace with my family but the fate awaits otherwise. After our execution, our names will go down in the history of this great nation and we might be remembered for, this marked the turning point in the history of France, which brought the Republic in the country and ended monarchy.I will abide by the orders of the almighty who once sent me to be his representative to rule this great nation.
You may feel free to contact us if you face any issue or difficulty while composing your
answer. You can also send us your answers here for a feedback and required corrections,
if any.