Impact of COVID-19 on tourism industry . Disscuss challenges faced by tourism industry?
the torism industry is deeply affected. Due to stop in movement of people.
The Indian tourism industry is projected to book a revenue loss of Rs 1.25 trillion in calendar 2020 as a fall out of the shutdown of hotels and suspension in flight operations after the onset and spread of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.
A study by CARE Ratings notes that the figure corresponds to a 40 per cent decline in revenue over calendar 2019.
The report assumes the impact of the pandemic on tourism at about 50 per cent during January and February 2020, while it may be higher at 70 per cent in March alone, following the suspension of international flights.
During April-June, the Indian tourism industry is expected to book a revenue loss of Rs 69,400 crore, denoting a year-on-year (y-o-y) loss of 30 per cent.
“During H2 2020, assuming the virus impact subsides, we expect FTAs to still be lower affecting the FEEs (foreign exchange earnings) by about 50 per cent to reach Rs 56,150 crore vis-à-vis Rs 112,300 crore during H2 2019," the report said.
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