Impact of Indian fashion on french culture
Indian people were always obsessed with foreign culture, India is a poor country though rich in its heritage. However, foreign countries especially western countries are seen as developed and superior in regard to fashion, etiquettes, discipline and posh lifestyle! So, most countries specifically third world countries look up to foreign cultures.
The basic thing that draws towards western culture is freedom. Western culture is not simply characterized by western outfits, it is majorly western thinking and western thinking allows a lot of freedom.
Currently our traditions are such that they are always imposing some or the other rule upon people. While it is good to be disciplined and have rules but it is also necessary to question the validity of those rules from time to time. For e.g. when youngsters see that western culture allows young girls and boys to hang out together but Indian culture is not too fond of it, they question our culture, don't find the answers valid and then go on to 'ape' the western culture.
As time goes on and we are exposed to new thoughts and therefore culture and traditions change. We don't have the same culture that we had 300 years back before India's colonisation.After the British settled in India at that time many may have said that the youth is aping British culture by trying to go abroad for studies or dressing like an Englishman.
When it comes to wearing western clothes, it is more about asserting our freedom and our thinking than being stylish.
There are somethings that are basic to our culture which are really valuable such as respecting your elders, parents, guru, caring for your neighbour, being humane towards all and despite of the western clothes or western songs, the Indian youth is still in touch with these basics of our culture.