Social Sciences, asked by Sawapandeep3989, 1 year ago

Impact of social sciences on national integration


Answered by itzJitesh


The subject of Social Studies taught in the school draws its content and derives its purpose from all the social sciences. The main aim of teaching is to help pupil acquire information and cultivate attitudes, which will make him a good citizen i.e. a useful member of the society to which he belongs. It seeks to realize this aim by helping him to understand the society in which he lives, its nature and composition, its political and social institutions, and the problems of its development. It also helps him to know his rights and responsibilities. This knowledge is necessary to enable him to appreciate the need for harmony between himself and the society.

Social Studies have great potentialities, which can be utilized for developing attitudes and ideas indispensable for promoting national unity. To promote national integration the teaching of some topics should be so undertaken as to help develop the following broad understandings:

The Indian nation is composed of people who follow different religions (or none at all), speak different languages and have diverse ways of living. However, in spite of all these differences, they are the citizens of India and enjoy equal rights.

The Indian nation is in the process of transforming itself into a modern nation by building a developed, self-generating economy, by rooting out poverty and bringing about a just social order. This process of transformation can be hastened and sustained only through the united efforts of all the people of India. This also requires constant vigilance and ceaseless struggle against forces, interests, practices, and attitudes which impede this transformation. These forces are fostered by and in their turn, foster prejudices and narrow loyalties based on caste, community, language and region.

The people of India are sovereign and masters of their destiny. Their problems are common. They can be solved only by developing among people an attitude of respect for each other. The development of each region or area is closely connected with the development of all. The people of India constitute a nation. A part of the nation cannot develop in isolation of or in conflict with the rest of the country.

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