English, asked by divasrawat53, 2 months ago

Importance of conversational English in public places (Airways, Railway stations, Banks etc) 100 words​


Answered by aarav1042
English is very important in this modern world. Apart from our mother tongue we need to have a common language which makes us able to communicate with other part of the world. English is the common language which is known to most of the people in the world. It is very important to have good English because an effective communication can reach people better. English words used must be simple so that it can be reached to people easily as well as easily understood by everyone. Nowadays English is being taught to children at primary level itself. Students are strictly made to speak in English when they are in school premises and some modern missionaries schools also punish students with a fine (penalty) - this helps in building a good communication as well as body language.

English can be improved by constant usage, by watching films, reading books with high level Grammar, playing games and trying to use new words. English can be improved by practice. As we know, practice makes the man perfect as well as using good pronunciation and grammar. Most of the jobs in today world are based on English such as IT sector, business field, call Centro jobs and teaching job, etc. So students aspiring for good jobs need to stress upon their English and usage of it because their job depends on this simple structure. English is quite easy in comparison with other languages. Basic English one can learn easily and effortlessly. Mostly people can learn English easily if they try to mater some rules and regulations. Unlike many languages, English does not have a complicated structure and except for a few areas of Grammar, it is quite simple. Any language can be master by constant usage, the more you practice the more you can learn the language. You can watch video about various speeches about communication skills, role play, jam section, debates and group discussion. Watch English news for updating knowledge and movies to catch good ascent and listening skills. Watch movies with subtitle, read newspaper, various articles in internet and good books for developing or improving listening skills. To improve your speaking skills you must prepare power point presentation and practice explaining to your friends and take suggestion. Learn at least ten new words and improve your vocabulary, just learning words won't make big different using them at proper situations makes a lot of difference. Your pronunciation and ascent is observed by people so focus more on them and try managing your voice. Speak with confidence. Apart from this play vocabulary games.
Answered by SushmitaAhluwalia

The importances are written below-

1. The importance of conversational English is growing with every passing day as English is one of the most spoken languages all across the world.

2. Knowing and learning some basic forms of English can broaden the horizon of communication and can make the process easier.

3. There are people in several public domains like in airports, stations, banking institutions, and others who prefer conversing in English to any other language. Knowing conversational English makes it hassle-free to communicate with them without any language barrier.

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