importance of good character essay
A man’s character is what he really is. It is his real moral condition. It has been defined as ‘the distinctive mark of an individual’. It depends partly upon inborn qualities and partly on training in youth and the circumstances in man’s character is what he really is. It is his real moral condition. It has been defined as ‘the distinctive mark of an individual’. It depends partly upon inborn qualities and partly on training in youth and the circumstances in which a person has been brought up.
It can be cultivated by forming good habits in childhood. “Sow an act and you reap a habit. Sow a habit and you reap a character”. If we sow good habits, we build up a good character.
We form good or bad habits not only in childhood but later on too. We all grow a little every day, either better or worse.
We should maintain a good character so that we will make people smile and keep ourselves smiling.
Hope it helped:)