English, asked by 63860, 1 month ago

Importance of hard work in 40-50 words


Answered by mitsubagingka

Hard work is a very important value in one's life. Working hard help us to focus on our goal and go ahead in life. Hard work always bore sweet fruit. We will surely get good result by working hard. It is important to work hard, because working hard will give us success in our life.

Answered by FG552211


Hard work is an essential thing we all need in life. It is impossible to achieve greatness without working hard. In other words, an idle person cannot gain anything if they wish to sit and wait for something else. On the other hand, one who keeps working hard constantly will definitely gain success in life. Hard work is definitely the key to success. What we earn by sweating our brow gives us greater happiness than something we get by a stroke of luck. As humans, we wish to achieve many things in life. These things need hard work to be able to come true. Poverty is not the curse but idealness is. When we waste our time, time will also waste us. Hard work can help anyone achieve success. Great people were born in cottages but died in palaces.

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