English, asked by harshittripathi4853, 1 year ago

Importance of religion in our life debate


Answered by rock78
Fanaticism in Religion has ruined the very sense of the term. It is not how we hold on to the religious belief that really matters, but what role it plays in reforming the person within you.

The competition between which religion has the best to say or offer does not determine the quality of the religion, but the transformation it produces in a human being, to behave like human being to each other, to understand the aches and pain , love and joy, is the actual concept of religion.

These days the amount of faith a person has, in his own religion, has led to inhuman behavior, to help hypocrites utilize it to make money. Difference of opinion in religious matters has caused riots and confused people a lot, enabling violence all over the place.

There are many types of religions and they all have one thing in common: to imbue us with a sense of awe and inspiration allowing us to live by prescribed principle which help us to live more constructive lives in accordance with ourselves, others, and society.

To some religion is a way of life that has been handed down to them by their ancestors and nothing more. It is followed because their forefathers followed it. It is merely their custom, their tradition; something that ties them to their family and heritage in an unbreakable chain. To others it is their faith. It is the moral and ethical code by which they live their lives. For others it is the way to transcend this earthly plane and be one with the divine. Some claim to follow no religious creed whatsoever. If by that they mean they do not follow an organized set of ideals handed down to them from some other source, then I would have to agree with them. But even they follow some organized philosophy or set of codes to help them navigate the sometimes dangerous and unknown waters of life. This is what I call religion whether it is a personal set of values that they themselves have formed or been handed down to them from a traditional source.

Being religious is not the dogma, proclaiming the truth towards world peace and love is only doctrine. I wish the religious leaders understand this and when they do, the importance of religion in our lives has played its role fully well.

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