important dates of nazizm and the rise of Hitler chapter
20th April, 1889 ⇒ Adolf Hitler born in Australia
1st August, 1914 ⇒ First World War started
9th November, 1918 ⇒ Germany and the Central powers defeated in first World War ; Weimar Republic established
1919 ⇒ Hitler joined the German Workers' Party, later on growing into Nazi Party
28th June, 1919 ⇒ Treaty of Versailles
1922 ⇒ Nazi Youth League founded
1923 ⇒ Germany goes through economic crisis and hyperinflation; France occupies the Ruhr, Germany's coal mines area
24th October, 1929 ⇒ Wall street exchange in USA crashes
1932 ⇒ Nazi Party became the largest party in the Reichstag
1929 - 1932 ⇒ Great depression, National income of USA fell by half
30th January, 1933 ⇒ Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany
28th February, 1933 ⇒ Fire decree declared
3rd March, 1933 ⇒ Enabling Act passed, establishing Hitler's dictatorship
1933 ⇒ Germany pulls out the League of Nations
1933 - 38 ⇒ Nazi territories, pauparise and segregate the Jews
1938 ⇒ Germany reoccupies the Rhineland
1st September, 1939 ⇒ Germany invades Poland; Second World War starts
September 1940 ⇒ Tripartite Pact between Germany, Italy and Japan signed
22nd June, 1941 ⇒ Germany attacks the USSR
23rd June, 1941 ⇒ Mass murder of Jews begins
7th DEcember, 1941 ⇒ Japan bombs pearl Harbour; USA enters the war next day
1940 - 44 ⇒ Ghettoisation of Jews and their killing in gas chambers
27th January, 1945 ⇒ Troops of USSR liberate Auschwitz
8th May, 1945 ⇒ Germany surrenders to the Allies
Hope you like my answer
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