Important of water in our life paragraph in 200 words
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Importance of water in our life is very important in simple language i say water is our life. We are humans keep wasting lots of water in day to day life. In day to day life specially in summers we need water from day to night. We are very careless about water. Instead of shower we can take bath with mug and bucket it is very important. If soon we will not saving water soon we will facing water crisis. Water table is falling in most of areas. Water helps us in many ways in cooking, bathing, washing clothes. Its very importance of water in life with out water we cant live peacefully water is our life in modern age. With out water we cant cook also.Food which is keep similar importance of water. If water is not there we cannot drink and eat also it more important. We have to save water because water is precious source in our life. So please save water and food
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