importants of hard work
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Hard work is very important in our life.Because generation and technology is growing very fast.Hard work is very important for all person for students also.If a student will do hard work then only he will be able to achieve his goal.If any person wirks in an office then if he do his work on time with hard labour then he will be success to win his boss and every person heart.Hard work is very important because without hard work there is no chance to achieve success. There is a proverb that,"LABOUR NEVER GOES IN VAIN".
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Hard work is the real wealth of a man. No can achieve success without doing hard work. Hard work is the key to success. Hard work always pays off. Hard work can turn sludge into gold. Hard work starts from where we stop looking for alternatives. Hard work is the secret of success. Laziness and sluggishness makes one’s life a bane and only hard work can turn it into boon. We can take an example too. Such as if we do not study hard, we can not clear the exam we are going for. A person can achieve his goal only with the help of hard work. Flyovers, roads, buildings, malls etc. all are made by the laborers by working hard. A painter, writer, poet etc, everyone get his reward on the basis of their hard work. Some people give more importance to their luck rather than working hard. And later on, when they fail, they blame their luck only which is very absurd. What can luck do if a person himself is not ready to work hard? Nature also works hard. Sun rises every morning and sets on its time every evening. Birds and animals work hard for getting their food. Plants and trees make food with the help of chlorophyll by the process of photosynthesis.
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