In a class test containing 10 questions,3 marks are awarded for every correct answer (-1 ) marks are awarded for incorrect answer and 0 for questions not attempted
(a) Tama gets four correct and six in incorrect answers his score will be _____
(b) Yamagets five correct and five incorrect answers. her score will be _____
(c) yaja gets five correct and 3 incorrect out of eight questions she attempts her score will be ______
plz answer my question correctly plz
In a class test containing 10 questions, 5 marks are awarded for every correct answer and (−2) for each wrong and 0 for not attempted questions. We will just forget unattempted questions as it will give her 0 marks
So let us say for any student who gave x right questions and y wrong questions then total marks is given as 5x+(−2)y i.e
5x−2y total marks.
1) Mohan gets 4 correct and 6 incorrect so total score 5×4−2×6 i.e 8marks
2)Reshma gets 5 correct anf 5 incorrect do total marks scored is equal to
5×5−2×5 i.e 15marks
3)Heena gets 2 correct and 5 incorrect. She attempts only 7 questions so for the remaining 3 questions she will score zero marks.
So total marks scored by Heena is 5×2−5×2+0 i.e 0marks
Step-by-step explanation:
i) Tama gets 5 correct and 5 incorrect answers
To find his score
Since for every correct answer '3 marks are awarded '
For every incorrect answer '(−1) marks are awarded '
Total Score =5×3+5×(−1)
ii) Yama gets 7 correct answer and 3 incorrect answers
To find his score
Since for every correct answer '3 marks are awarded'
For Every Incorrect Answer ' (-1) marks are awarded '
Total score =7×3+3×(−1)
iii) Yaja gets 3 correct answer and 4 incorrect answers
To find his score
Since for every correct answer '3 marks are awarded '
For every incorrect answer '(−1) marks are awarded '
Total score =3×3+4×(−1)