Math, asked by Anonymous, 9 months ago

in a question where we have to find mean, mode and median, can we use the ( 3 median = mode + 2mean) formula instead of finding culminative frequency for median?

class 10


Answered by kamaleshkamalesh140


hope it helps you

Step-by-step explanation:

1. Direct Method

In this method, the formal definition of mean is used. The values of items are simply summed and divided by the number of observations.

For example, a low per capita income is an indication for the government to formulate policies focused on the increase in income of people


∑X= Sum of all the individual values and N= Total number of items

2. Assumed Mean Method

In the assumed mean method, a value is randomly selected as an assumed mean. Generally, the value is around the centre of the series as this facilitates calculations( the calculated deviations are both negative and positive around the assumed value, hence they cancel out or sum up to a very small value).

The assumed mean is found by dividing the maximum and minimum values by 2. Now deviation of each value from the assumed mean is calculated as deviation = value of the item – assumed value of mean in a separate column. The summation of these deviations are calculated and actual mean is derived using the given formula:

Mean= A + (∑d÷N)

Here, A= Assumed value of the mean

∑d= Summation of deviations and N= Number of observations

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