Physics, asked by triconeinternat6637, 1 year ago

In a rotating body, α=αr and ν=ω r. Thus αα=νω . Can you use the theorems of ration and proportion studied in algebra so as to write


Answered by bhuvna789456

No, We can't use proportional rule componendo-dividendo.



Componendo and dividendo is a proportion theorem that enables calculations to be performed quickly and reduces the number of expansions needed. It seems to be particularly helpful when dealing with equations in mathematical Olympiads involving normal fractions or rational functions, especially when viewing fractions.

Therefore, If the two-number ratio is equal to the two-number ratio, the ratios between the sum of the numerator and the denominator and the difference between the numerator and the denominator of the two rational numbers are equivalent.

The measurements of \alpha and a, and v and v are different. Therefore, it is not possible to \mathrm{v}+\alpha \text { and } \alpha+\mathrm{a}.

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