in a weak how many minutes of maths class do you have in school how many minutes of total school time do you have in a weak express this as a ratio in a percentage
Step-by-step explanation:
The topics in this free course, Ratio, proportion and percentages, are concerned with dividing something into parts. For example, if there are 200 people living in a small village, and 50 of these are children, this could be expressed as a percentage:
25% of the village population are children;
or as a ratio:
one in every four people is a child or there is 1 child for every three adults;
or a proportion:
the proportion of children in the village population is a quarter.
This OpenLearn course provides a sample of level 1 study in Mathematics.
Learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:
work with simple ratios
convert between fractions, decimals and percentages
explain the meaning of ratio, proportion and percentage
find percentages of different quantities
calculate percentage increases and decreases.
1 Ratio
1.1 Introduction
Ratios crop up often in official statistics. The government wants the teacher–pupil ratio in schools to be increased to one teacher to thirty pupils or less. The birth rate has fallen: the ratio of children to women of child bearing age has gone down. It used to be 2.4 to 1, and now it is 1.9 to 1. Predictions for the ratio of working adults to retired adults is disturbing. Predictions are, that by 2030 the ratio will be two working adults to every retired person, instead of three to one now, and four to one ten years ago.
Often ratios are implicit in the language rather than explicitly referred to: one teacher for 30 pupils; 2.4 children per woman of child bearing age; one retired person per two working adults. The word ‘per’ often indicates that the concept of ratio is being used.
1.2 Expressing ratios
To make short crust pastry, one recipe book says ‘use one part of fat to two parts of flour’; another recipe says ‘use fat and flour in the ratio of one to two’; and yet another says ‘use half as much fat as flour’. These are different ways of expressing the same ratio. Ratios are often expressed as fractions. So in this case:
Since you can multiply top and bottom of a fraction by the same number and get an equivalent fraction, you can use the ratio in a number of ways. If you have 100 grams of fat then
So you need 200 grams of flour to 100 grams of fat. There are many ways to arrive at this answer. The important point is that a ratio of 100 to 200 is equivalent to 1 to 2.
To make concrete, the instructions are ‘use sand and cement in the ratio three to one’. This means
If you have 30 kg of cement, then you need 90 kg of sand.
The conversion rates between currencies or different units are often easier to remember as ratios. Many people remember that the ratio of distance in miles to the same distance in kilometres is five to eight.
Example 1
At the time of writing the ratio of prices in pounds sterling to prices in euros is two to three (2 : 3). What is the equivalent price in pounds for a coat costing 150 euros?
Reveal answer
1.2.1 Try some yourself
Activity 1
A friend is painting the inside walls of a garage. So far she has used a 2 litre tin of emulsion paint and covered an area of 9 m2. She needs some more paint. How much more would you advise her to purchase if she intends to paint all the walls and ceiling, which is a total area of 75 m2.
Reveal answer
Activity 2
If the ratio of distance measured in miles to the same distance measured in kilometres is five to eight, which is the higher speed limit, 70 miles per hour or 110 kilometres per hour?
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1.3 Using ratios
Time conversions are also ratios. The ratio of time measured in minutes to time measured in seconds is one to sixty (1:60), as there are sixty seconds in a minute.
Example 2
Adam's grandfather ran a mile in minutes. Adam took 260 seconds. Which is greater, 260 seconds or minutes? Did Adam run faster than his grandfather?
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When shopping for a bargain, the ratio of price to quantity is often a useful way of comparing prices of different sized packets.
Example 3
A local shop sells ready-made custard at £1.45 for a special offer pack of three 425 g tins. It also sells the same brand of custard in 1 kg cartons costing £1.29 each. Which is the better bargain?
Reveal answer
1.3.1 Try some yourself
Activity 3
A local supermarket sells a popular breakfast cereal in a ‘Large Pack’ and ‘New Extra Large Pack’. They are both being sold at ‘knock down’ prices. The large pack contains 450 g of cereal priced at £1.85. The new extra large pack contains 625 g and is priced at £2.35. Which is the better bargain?
Reveal answer
Activity 4
Baking potatoes are priced at 75 p for a pack of three (very similar) potatoes or at £2.70 for a 5 kg bag. How heavy does each of the three potatoes in the pack have to be in order for the pack to be a better bargain than the 5 kg bag? Does your answer seem reasonable? (Try to imagine a potato of this size.)
hope u understand