CBSE BOARD X, asked by saysha1374, 1 year ago

In an experiment to study the properties of acetic acid a student takes about 2 ml of acetic acid in a dry test-tube. He adds about 2 ml of water to it and shakes the test-tube well. He is likely to observe that: (A) Acetic acid dissolves readily in water (B) The solution becomes light orange (C) Water floats over the surface of acetic acid (D) Acetic acid floats over the surface of water


Answered by Priya13397


according to me answer of your question is part B the solution become light orange

Answered by gadakhsanket

Dear Student,

◆ Answer -

(A) Acetic acid dissolves readily in water

● Explaination -

  • Acetic acid (ethanoic acid) is water soluble liquid. i.e. acetic acid and water are miscible with each other.
  • Hence, when acetic acid is mixed with water and shoot well, acetic acid dissolves readily in water and we get clear transparent solution of acetic acid.

Hope I was useful. Thanks for asking..

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