In comparing society with a living organism's various system, why the government be considered the nervous system?
Herbert Spencer coined which phrase?
a. Process of evolution b. Survival of the fittest c. Structural-functional perspective d. Societal organism
2. In comparing society with a living organism’s various systems, why would the government be considered the nervous
a. Because the government regulates a society
b. Because the government sustains a society
c. Because the government provides food and housing to those who need it
d. Because the government dictates what every person should do
3. Social Darwinism is
a. Applying the theory of evolution to human societies
b. Requiring Darwinism to be taught in public schools
c. The attempt to accumulate as much money as possible
d. Using compassion to counteract the forces of evolution
4. Spencer said societies are similar to organisms in that
a. Societies create human resources c. Societies differ in various ways
b. Societies are born, grow old and die d. Societies use animals to perform labor
5. Who among the following is known as ‘Social Darwinist’?
a. Herbert Spencer b. Auguste Comte c. George Simmel d. Emile Durkheim
6. The term ‘Organic analogy’ is associated with
a. Auguste Comte c. George Simmel d. Emile Durkheim d. Herbert Spencer
7. Who among the following stressed upon the interdependence of different parts of society?
a. Auguste Comte b. George Simmel c. Emile Durkheim d. Herbert Spencer
8. The concept of ‘Social Evolution’ was developed by
a. Herbert Spencer b. Auguste Comte c. George Simmel d. Emile Durkheim
9. Who coined the phrase ‘Survival of the fittest’ in the course of social evolution?
a. Auguste Comte c. George Simmel d. Emile Durkheim d. Herbert Spencer
10. In which year Herbert Spencer was born?
a. 1920 b. 1821 c. 1820 d. 1870
11. Spencer’s famous work ‘Principles of Sociology’ was published in the year
a. 1880 b. 1870 c. 1845 d. 1854
12. Who argued that the society and living organisms have similarities in structure and function?
a. Auguste Comte c. George Simmel d. Emile Durkheim d. Herbert Spencer
13. Who among the following viewed society as an organism with interrelated parts?
a. Herbert Spencer b. Auguste Comte c. George Simmel d. Emile Durkheim
14. ‘Social Statics’ is written by
a. George Simmel b. Max Weber c. Karl Marx d. Herbert Spencer
15. Herbert Spencer was a
a. French philosopher b. British social thinker c. German social thinker d. None